Prior to launching into a detailed discussion in reference to Ed's query about
standards, I'd like to know more about several issues:
1)  what kind of impact does this NCTE committee envision for the standards?
2)  what is their purpose?  who, specifically, is the audience these standards
    address?  All public schools (K-12)?  Administrators?  Politicians?
Knowing that information might help us tailor whatever we send (assuming we
come up with something as a group).
Prior to knowing that information, my initial thoughts are very general.  I
agree with Dennis (sp?) N. that we should define what we mean by grammar.  It
also might be useful to deduce how the term is now being used in the standards
document as it currently is written.  I also think we might want to come to
some sort of consensus about why we believe (if we do) grammar (as we define
it) ought to be included in this document on standards.
Jim Dubinsky (Miami [log in to unmask])