Vol 12 No 1 of Syntax in the Schools is finally
in the mail. Members should be receiving it
soon. The following is from an article in it
concerning a WWW page for ATEG. Your
comments/suggestions will be appreciated.
Ed V.
 Now, thanks to Penn College, ATEG  will have
a WWW address.
As noted in a previous issue, ATEG already
has two listservers. Listservers are great for
sharing questions, etc., but a message sent to
a listserver disappears after it is  forwarded to
the subscribers. Because it requires disk
space, no one had been able to find a host for
a WWW page for ATEG. As it has in so many
other ways, Penn College will be helping
ATEG. The address and disk area will be used
to provide such things as:
ATEG's bylaws,
names and school addresses of ATEG's
bibliographies on grammar and the teaching
of it,
articles from the newsletter (including old
summaries of -- and articles from --
proceedings from ATEG conferences
a national list of college grammar courses,
instructors, and possibly syllabi,
a directory of ATEG members*,
information on instructional materials
research reports, and
Assembly news updates (such as future
conference plans).
Your suggestions about other kinds of
information that should be provided are
welcome. It will take me a little while to set up
the page and the information that it will
provide. I hope to have it up and running, and
to provide the address, in the next issue of the
* The question of providing, possibly selling,
the ATEG mailing list was discussed at the 95
conference. Because I am slow-witted, I
agreed with the consensus, which, I now
realize, does not solve the problem. At the
conference, we agreed that anyone who
wanted a "directory" could simply purchase
the conference proceedings. Although we
have always published a list of conference
participants in the proceedings, that list is only
a fraction of our membership. Since some
members might not want their names added to
still more mailing lists, I have decided that I will
make available the names and addresses of
only those people who give me permission.
(See the new line on the subscription form
above.) If you are already available and want
your name listed, please just drop me a note
or send the form with your name and the "do"
circled. Unless the group decides otherwise,
the list will be available for free on the Internet
and for $1 to ATEG members who request
paper copies sent through the mail.