Dear List Members -
First, let me thank you very much for your response to Mai Kuha's request
for potential participants.  I have forwarded your requests on to Mai rather
than resend them through the list.
I do have one bit of list business though.  I am going to put two panels
together of competitive papers.  One thing that I had not considered was
having people chair and (potentially) respond to the papers.
So I have a couple of questions for (all of) you.
1.  Should there be a respondent (i.e., a different person than the chair/
convener) at each of the competitive paper panels?
2.  If there IS  respondent, what role should they take in the panel (e.g.,
critic, discussion leader, etc.)?
3.  What sort of feedback should be given to the panel participants (I am
thinking particularly of students and young scholars [like all of you, of
As the Interest Group technically does not exist yet (again, the final
decision will be made by the Executive Committee in St. Paul) there is no
history or constitution to go by.  On the other hand, I don't want to go
off and do it all alone either.  So what do you think?
Looking forward to CSCA already....and SCA, WSCA, ICA, INPR, ISSPR, EIEIO....