I have used a text entitled "Effective Supervision: Frontline
Management Development for the '90's". By Daniel Jennings at Baylor
University.  It is published by West Publishing Co. 610 Opperman
Drive, P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, MN 55164-0526.  It was published in
It lays out the subject in the following way:
Part I - The supervisor and the organization
    The supervisor's role
    TQM, Service Organizations, and Ethics
    The concept of organizational environment
     Issues in Organizational Design
Part II - The Supervisor and Human Resource Development
     Employee training and selection
     Performance evaluation and employee counseling
     Individual characteristics and work group behaviors
     Job Analysis and Design
     Power, politics and conflict
     Stress and change management
Part III - The supervisor and issues in union relationships
     Union Relationships
     Employee safety, Health, and fair employment needs
Part IV - The supervisor and Coaching subordinates
     Coaching subordinates
     Time management and career development
It is a text, so it is set up for instructors to use.
There is also a book called "Becoming a Manager: Mastery of a New
Identity" by Linda Hill, published by Harvard Business School Press,
Boston, MA. 1992.  This is not a text, but it is pretty good,
although aimed at the manager rather than the supervisor.  Hope this
"Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds
 cannot change anything." George Bernard Shaw
Rosemary V. D'Arcy
Director, The Center for Management Development
College of Business
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
phone: 208 385 3369
fax: 208 385 1300
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