TO:  Mathematics Education Committee
FROM:  Bob Kansky
DATE:  20 November 1995
RE:  Setting/Resetting a Date for Our December Meeting
Our next meeting will require Committee action regarding the course proposal
for EDT 465-565 that Bill Rouse has prepared.  [Hardcopy of that proposal
will be mailed to you today.]  Bill will be seeking the Committee's consensus
that the proposal should be sent forward.  If the Committee agrees to that,
it also must give its opinion on the program change that is related to the
new course.
Because the meeting will call for actions by the Committee, I want to assure
the best attendance rate possible.  I propose that we meet at the usual time
(4-5 pm) on one of the following Wednesdays:
   29 November (since the President's Office has cancelled its meeting)
   13 December (which is the date currently scheduled)
As soon as possible, please send an email to me (rather than to this mail
list) at
     [log in to unmask]
and tell me which dates are open for you.  [If both are open, please indicate
that.]  I'll compile the results and report back to you on Friday of this