In article <1995Nov16.054313@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (The King)
> I write all my HTML code off-line in BBEdit. Everything is fine there. Once
> I want to create the file in my account, I just use the TPU editor and
> paste it in. Problem is, if there is a particularly big URL that won't fit
> on one line, the editor wraps it around, in the process inserting a cr in
> the middle of it, which of course messes the link up. I can get around this
> by setting the right margin to something ridiculous, like 150, but that is
> a bit of a kludge, and with several files, it is hard to remember which
> ones I need to do that for. It's either that or go back and delete the cr
> by hand, which is even worse.... Any suggestions?
The EVE (TPU is actually the language the EVE editor is written in) command
SET NOWRAP will also turn this off.  You can set this very easily for all
files by creating an EVE$INIT.EVE file in your login directory.  The file
should contain any EVE commands you want to issue.  For example, here's
what a typical EVE$INIT.EVE file might look like:
You can also create an EVE$INIT.MAIL file and an EVE$INIT.NEWS file that
are specific for MAIL and NEWS.
If you don't want to set all of your editing to NOWRAP, you can take
advantage of the way the editor searches for the EVE$INIT.xxxx files.  The
order is:
1) Use the file specified with the /INIT qualifier on the EDIT command if
   one exists.
2) Look for a logical called EVE$INIT that points to the file.
3) Look in the current directory for an EVE$INIT.xxxx file.
4) Look in your login directory for an EVE$INIT.xxxx file.
Therefore, if you have a directory that you always use for HTML editing,
(like your WWW subdirectory) you could create an EVE$INIT.EVE file in that
subdirectory that would specify how to handle wrapping of text.
It should also be possible to write a small TPU program that would look at
the extension for the file that you're editing and decide from there how to
handle wrapping...but I'll need to think about that one some more.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]