My colleagues at the Vanguard Consulting Group in Larkspur , CA, are
developing an instrument that will measure an organization's ability
to respond quickly and effectively to change.
They are looking for pre-validation reviewers. If you have experience
with organizations with 500 or more employees and which have recently
undergone significant change, we invite you to repond to this
questionnaire. In return for your efforts we will send you the results
after they've been collected and assessed. We'll also send you a copy
of the revised instrument itself. Our target date is prior to the end
of first quarter, 1996.
If you or someone you know would be interested in responding to this
survey (it should take no more than 30 minutes to complete), please
send an email message to [log in to unmask] with "send agility" in the
subject line. Note: make sure that your command is in the subject line
and not in the body proper (also, don't put in the quotes). This is an
autoresponder so you should receive the email virtually immediately.
If you don't, check again that you've sent the message properly. Make
sure the command "send agility" (without the quotes) is in  the
subject line and is spelled with lower case letters.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jerry Richardson              Specializing in Advanced Communication
Voice Phone: 415 563 2672     Skills Training for Individuals and
Fax: 415 885 6241             Organizations. Author of THE MAGIC OF
[log in to unmask]          RAPPORT.