TO:  Mathematics Education Committee
RE:  Meeting of 17 January 1996
Members present:  Iris Johnson, Bob Kansky, Joe Kennedy, Dave Kullman, Cathe
Mulligan, Jerry Stonewater, Tammy Walker
The meeting was devoted to a discussion of the program for certification of
teachers of children from birth to age eight that has been proposed by the
Early Childhood Committee of the School of Education and Applied Professions.
 There was consensus that the proposed program was devoid of appropriate
content in mathematics and mathematics education.  Kullman noted that the
program's failure to meet NCTM standards for the preparation of teachers in
grades K-3 could lead to denial of program accreditation by NCATE.  Kennedy
suggested that new and additional courses in mathematics and mathematics
education would be needed to prepare teachers of preschool children, but
current staff at Miami have neither the expertise nor time to develop and
teach such courses.
Kansky was instructed to draft a letter to the Early Childhood Committee
summarizing the points of discussion.  Stonewater pointed out that this
needed to be delivered to the Early Childhood Committee before its meeting on
6 February.