Pat Cihon notes:
> I would have hoped that the ALSB would be sensitive to the legal
> implications of posting a notice that begins "We are looking for a
> woman ...".
>  I would hope that the ALSB would
> require that those who use its services for advertising employment
> positions adhere to the law of land.  Pat Cihon
I agree about all of our services (such as the listing of employment
opportunities that Dan keeps, etc. ), but I don't think it is reasonable
to expect Dan Herron to monitor or censor what we say to one another.
The notice was included in a message from a list member, as I understood
it, not by Dan.  He cannot be responsible for what we say to each other,
either at annual meetings where ALSB rents the space or over the net.
But the membership can hold  members responsible for their
own behavior.
I know reasonable people could, and do,  disagree about this.