I would like to request your help in completing a survey
for my psych lab.  The survey is anonymous and your name will not show up
in any of the results nor the final report (only in your email to me).
       Please fill out the following questionaire and email it back to me
([log in to unmask]) or reply to it from the news reader. (type reply at
the "NEWS>" prompt)
        Thank you very much for your help.  If you would like a copy of
the results please indicate so at the end of your message.
Internet Talkers Survey
For Miami Students ONLY
1.  Sex (choose one):
                a)  Female
                b)  Male
2)  Age:   ______
3)  Year (choose one):
                a)  Freshman
                b)  Sophomore
                c)  Junior
                d)  Senior
                e)  Graduate
4)  How many talkers (IRC, BBS, chat rooms, etc.) do you regularly
     access?  (If none enter "0")
5)  How many hours do you spend on talkers per week? (Enter a
     number rounded off to the nearest hour.  If you do not access
     talkers enter "0")
Thank you for your help
Jari Santana
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