On Mon, 18 Mar 1996, Kerbear wrote:
> I am new to this group and am interested in some historical background on
> the product hard cider and perhaps the social reasons behind its virtual
> disappearance from the market in the US in the 1800's.  According to my
> English professor, hard cider was once more popular than beer in the US,
> and is still popular in the UK.  Does anyone know why it suddenly
> vanished here?  Any info would be appreciated.
I seem to remember in one of the books I read recently about the fact
that hard cider was a target of the temperance movement.  Basically, they
could see no eternal use for apples other than to make it into cider, so
they encouraged children and others to chop all the apple trees down -- a
kind of Johnny appleseed in reverse.
If I find the reference, I'll send it.
Thayne Andersen
                   There are three ways to balance the government budget:
                   1.  Raise taxes
                   2.  cut military spending
                   3.  cut public services
                   There is no rational reason to ignore the first two.