Dear Hanna,
Your request for a training supplier is just the type we like to hear.  So
many organizations want an off-the-shelf quick fix service.  We have never
supported this type of training.  Not only does it not work, but it wastes
billions of dollars that could be used to benefit the organization in need.
Lemmex & Associates Limited an award winning management training and
consulting firm that has been doing the type of  work you require for 17
years.  While our offices are located in Ottawa, Canada - our consultants
work closely with clients across North America.
I will spare you a long "sales pitch"  -  I'm sure you are getting quite a
few.  You may like to browse our web page at your leisure ( -
if you do not have access to the internet please let me know and I will send
you any information you require.
Good luck in your quest.  If we can be of any assistance please let me know.
Joanne Lemmex
                 Lemmex & Associates Limited.
                "Leaders in Training Since 1979"
100-1101 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. K2C 3W7
(613) 727-7074 (phone)     (613) 727-9957 (fax)