IRC has been updated in the MCUG User Library.  In addition to the
update, I have also changed the default server.  It now defaults to
logging  you into an undernet IRC server.  If you would like to use
something different, you can specify your server on the command line
or within the IRC client (see IRC in MCUGHELP).
This will hopefully increase the success rate with connecting to a
Any MCUG Lib program can be accessed by typing MCUG_LOGIN to set them
up (put in your for permanent access).  MCUGHELP will give
you details of most of the programs available.
On a side note, we are looking for a new library manager for this
utility repository that MCUG maintains.  If you have good VMS skills
(advanced DCL experience a must) and some programming experience
(you will need to modify some programs to get them to compile under
VMS at times), and you have the ambition to maintain these utilities,
then please email this account.  You will need to be approved by me
and by Kent Covert, the VMS Administrator.
MCUG_MGR  ---  Miami Computer Users' Group User Library Administrator
Send questions about the MCUG User Lib to: [log in to unmask]