Dear Colleagues,
I have attempted on a prior occasion to post this announcement onto these
lists, but for some reason the attempt was unsuccessful.  I apologize for
any multiple copies.
This is a job announcement for a faculty position to begin September 1,
1996 (!).  We only just received our authorization to recruit for this
position, so we're moving as fast as we can.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you think might be
interested.  If you want to ask me any questions about the position
(don't send me vitae; they have to go to Al Martin at the address below);
feel free to e-mail me at [log in to unmask]  *Don't* hit the "reply" key,
because that will send your reply to the entire list!
Ken Schneyer
     Assistant Professor:  Criminal Justice / Paralegal Studies /
     Legal Environment of Business.
     The Legal Studies Department in the College of Business of
Johnson & Wales University intends to hire an Assistant Professor
to teach courses in our new Criminal Justice program, as well as
courses in Paralegal Studies, Legal Environment of Business and
Hospitality Law.  The new faculty member would begin work on
September 1, 1996.  The Criminal Justice program, which grants
both the A.S. and B.S. degrees, attracted more than 100 first-
year students in 1995-96; the Paralegal Studies program, while
smaller, has steady enrollment and also awards both the A.S. and
B.S. degrees.  Law faculty at Johnson & Wales also teach basic
law courses to students majoring in business or hospitality-
related fields, and may also teach courses related to our new 4-
year program in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies.  Johnson & Wales
is a career education University with more than 7,000 students.
The new faculty member will teach at the main campus in
Providence, Rhode Island.  Like all faculty members at this
University, the new Assistant Professor will be hired on a one-
year contract but will be eligible for rehiring and promotion
based on existing University policies.
     Minimum qualifications:  Candidates must hold the J.D.
degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar
Association, and must be licensed (in good standing) to practice
law in at least one state.  Further, candidates should have some
professional experience involving criminal law, law enforcement,
or closely related fields.
     Desired qualifications:  The following credentials, while
not required, will significantly enhance a candidate's standing:
College teaching experience; a postgraduate degree in Criminal
Justice, Criminology, Court Administration or a related field;
some record of scholarly publication; experience training or
working with paralegals; experience providing legal advice or
representation to businesses.
     Send letter and vita to Professor W. Albert Martin, College
of Business, Johnson & Wales University, 8 Abbott Park Place,
Providence, RI 02903.  The application must be received on or
before May 31, 1996.