>If anyone knows of references to links between moonshining and the Irish
>Independence Movement, or Scottish and Slovak nationalism, particularly
>whether moonshine funds were channeled into the coffers of nationalist
>groups, I would be very grateful for the assistance. Also, I
>would appreciate any suggestion of places to visit during my research
>travels that might provide information on local cultures' resistance to
>colonialism, particularly if liquor was involved.
>Jonathan Highfield
>Rhode Island School of Design
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i've recently been doing research on Prohibition and Irish Americans in New=
 York, and came across some material in _The Irish World_ that may be of use=
 to you. I can't recall the exact dates as i was looking at a looooooong=
 stretch of microfilm, but in the mid 1920s there were articles in the World=
 on attempts to stamp out the rural poteen (bootleg whisky) trade in=
 Ireland. I didn't see any blatant political references and my Irish history=
 knowledge isn't so great, but it seemed the nascent Repulican gov't wanted=
 to stamp out the trade both to preserve law and order and build tax=
 revenue. It does seem that some Irish republicans were pretty keen on the=
 idea of prohibition as a way to stengthen the young republic, but don't=
 take my word for it. The Irish World may be a good source to delve into fur=
Michael Lerner
NYU Department of History
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