Deb Ballam, Ronnie Cohen, and Anne Levy, the co-chairs of the ALSB Feminist
Legal Studies Section, would like to invite all ALSB members to attend any
of the section's planned events in Quebec City.  On Wednesday evening, we
will be hosting an informal evening for those who wish to join a group for
dinner.  We will be gathering in the hotel lobby and then going together to
a local restaurant.  The location for dinner has yet to be decided, as has
the time, but an announcement with further information will be posted on the
ALSB bulletin board early on Wednesday.  If you know you will be joining us,
please contact or leave a message for any of the co-chairs so that we can
get some idea of the number.  All ALSB members are invited to join us.  If
you have no other plans, please come along.  We especially want to extend an
invitation to those who are attending their first national or those who may
be by themselves.  Everyone is welcome.
Two panels are also planned by the Section.  On Thursday, August 8 from 9
a.m. - 10:30 a.m. we will present "Teaching Students to Look Beyond Their
Paradigms."  This panel will discuss ways to lead students to think about
the variety of perspectives in any controversy  and to see that there is
another side to every emotional issue.  We will be using affirmative action
as the model, presenting the various pro and con arguments, as well as
talking about classroom dynamics and teaching techniques.  Panelists will be
Shannon O'Byrne, Dolly Malik, Nancy Kubasek, and Anne Levy.  Ronnie Cohen
will be the moderator.
The second panel will be entitled Jurisprudential Theories in Counterpoint:
Commercial Impracticability Through a Legal Kaleidoscope."  A variety of
perspectives will be applied to the same legal problem.  The panel will be
presented on Friday, August 9 from 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.  Panelists will
be:  Caryn Beck Dudley presenting the natural law perspective; Frank Cross
presenting the positivism/realism perspective; Dan Ostas presenting the law
and economics perspective; Ramona Paetzold presenting the feminist
jurisprudence perspective; and Kenneth Schneyer presenting the rhetorical
analysis perspective. Deb Ballam will be the moderator.
A newsletter should be available near the registration desk with the
Section's conference information.  We look forward to seeing many ALSB
members at our events.
                                  Anne C. Levy
                     315 Eppley Center, East Lansing, MI 48824
                               Phone:  517-353-3115
                            Email:  [log in to unmask]