The ALSB Employment and Labor Law Section invites all ALSB members to
attend the annual Teaching Employment Law Symposium in Quebec City.
The Symposium will be held on Friday, August 9, from 9:00 to 10:30
a.m., in the Beauport Room.  This year, Irwin Publishing Company has
graciously and generously agreed to sponsor the first annual
Excellence in Employment Law Teaching Award to be determined by
written ballots completed by all in attendance at the symposium.
This monetary award will be presented during the final banquet
ceremonies.  This year's distinguished presenters have developed an
exciting array of approaches to teaching employment law topics.
The presentations include:
Daniel J. Herron (Miami University) - "Using In-Class Simulations
    and Role-Playing"
John M. Norwood (University of Arkansas) - "The Historical Context of
    the Civil Rights Act"
Ramona Paetzold (Texas A & M University) - "Teaching About Assumptions
    Implicit in Discrimination Law"
David Silverstein (Suffolk University) - "Managing Employment
    Relations in a Changing Legal and Social Environment"
Joseph J. Solberg (Illinois State University) - "A Case Method
    Approach to Teaching Hostile Environment Harassment"
  Please join us!