In article <[log in to unmask]>,
 [log in to unmask] writes:
> I have a whole bunch of mail messages in Pine folders that I
> would like to export somehow to VMS Mail. What is the
> easiest way to do that?
You shouldn't have to.  VMS Mail and Pine use the same folders and the same
mail messages.  There is one trick, though.  VMS Mail usually upcases all
folder names.  Therefore, if you've got a folder that's mixed case, you
need to enclose it in quotes.  For example,
    $ mail
    EMAIL> dir/folder
    Listing of folders in SYS_USERS:[ACS.NOBODY]MAIL.MAI
         Press CTRL/C to cancel listing
    MAIL                                    postponed-msgs
    EMAIL> dir postponed-msgs
    %EMAIL-E-NOTEXIST, folder POSTPONED-MSGS does not exist
    EMAIL> dir "postponed-msgs"
        # From                 Date         Subject
        1 NOBODY               16-APR-1996  Placeholder message created by PINE
    EMAIL> exit
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]