1. Date and Time of problem:
   Began 7/31, 2:00 pm and continues until now (2:00 Aug 1)
2. if connection is made, ip address of your machine when connected:
      Looks like
3. Description of problem:
      Authentication failures began out of the blue; I can no longer logon.
4. How many times the problem was repeated:
      Many...maybe 20.  (OK, so I was frustrated!)
6. Description of environment (modem, os, ppp softwar used)
      SupraExpress 144 Plus, Mac 7.5.1, PPP 1.05.  I've been connecting
      successfully w/ no similar problems for almost a week now.
5. Did the problem exist on different platforms (can you try win 3.1, mac,
 win95, nt os2)
     I didn't try using PPP from different platforms, but I did telnet to from several of my mainframe accounts to see if it would let me
log on that way.  Each time, entry was denied.
Perhaps we should exorcise the modems?  :)
Lee Coleman
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