On 16 Aug 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> > Well lets see.......
> >
> > 1) It was always said that this system was not a production system.  It was
> >    beta!!!!
> >
> > 2) Beta means not ready for people to use, and could not work at any time.
> Beta means ready for people to use, but may contain bugs and errors and the
> service is not in it's final form.  If it meant that it was not ready for
> people to use, beta releases would not be released.
Alllllll  righhhhhhtttt.......
This was not actually a BETA system.  One of the test numbers was left
open by accident, and someone got a hold of it.  They started using it,
and liking it.  Well, instead of hanging this person out to dry, they were
nice enough to open up the system, which is not BETA, for *test* usage by
This has been a free service all summer, yet we all jump on Boyd and Joe
and the rest everytime something goes wrong.  It's *FREE*!!!  We weren't
really SUPPOSED to be using this system this summer!
That kind of changes the perspective, doesn't it?
(By the way, Beta code or beta systems are *not* guaranteed to be up all
the time, nor are they expected to used by the general public.  You give
beta code to people so they can find the bugs for you.  They're *supposed*
to understand that they *will* run into problems.  They then send a "bug
report," and either keep using it, or go back to the last release
version.  They normally don't whine and complain about it not working,
because after all, it is just BETA.)
Now, let me pose this question:
When you've finished the Beta portion of your testing, how do you move to
production status?  Do you think that you might need to take the equipment
you've been using to beta test and set it up for release?  Does it follow
that the beta service will no longer be available?  Do you think that's
what they might be doing now?
> Excuse me, although I agree with your little uncalled for rant up to this
I fail to see where it is uncalled for.  This kind of MCIS and (free) PPP
bashing has been going on ever since the system got stable and people
started getting used to it.
> point, I must point out an all-to-obvious fact to the majority of us: WE ARE
> PAYING FOR THIS!  We all (students at least) were charged a new fee to pay
Let's see:  Classes start Aug 27, most people move in the 25th.  It would
seem to me that when you move in the 25th (for on campus), or start
classes the 27th (for off campus), is when the money you gave the
University goes into effect.  Just because you sent them the money
doesn't mean you automatically get all the services. (room, board, busses,
classes, etc.)
> for this as well as paying over $7000 a year to attend Miami.  I know of no
> other $7000/year internet service provider.
You really think you're paying $7000 for PPP?
> Our fees were due to be paid on August 5th I believe.  That date has now past.
> Miami has my $3500 and I haven't received anything but headaches and troubles
Again, you don't get the rest of the services, so why do you expect to get
PPP right now?  I don't see you complaining about not getting to go to
classes right now... :)
> I understand that this has been a temporary situation while the new internet
> service was being set-up, but at this point in time, it has been "under
This is an *internet* service?  I sure thought it was meant to be a
solution for off campus students to have the same access to the Miami
University network as those in the dorms.  It was not, and is not intended
to be an internet provider.  Internet access is a side effect, not the
driving factor.
Doug Ames                                      E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Network Technical Support                      Phone : (513) 529-4780
School of Applied Science
Miami University