From:  David Kullman
To:  Members of the Mathematics Education Committee
Here are some agenda items for the committee's consideration this
fall (in no particular order):
*  M.A.T. program
          Plan A is no longer viable, but Plan B is not suited for
               academic year students.
          We need to plan now for publicity and recruitment
          Funding beyond Alberta Wolfe fellowships
          Advising of students needs to be addressed
          Approval of program for Diana Stroud
*  Progress report on new activities-based statistics course
*  New courses for middle school teachers
*  MTH 115, 116
          Are we challenging the students sufficiently?
          Are we covering too many topics with too little depth?
          Are standards too low compared to other 100-level courses?
*  Linkages with Southern University at Baton Rouge
*  New teacher licensure standards and the effect on our programs
*  Proposed summer institute for teachers of AP Statistics
*  Representation at professional meetings --who's going where?