Jim (and others)
      The deadline for receiving papers for the
proceedings of the last ATEG conference (U of
Maryland) is December 1st. I would like both a disk
version and hard copy.
P.S. The first issue of Syntax is in the mail; most
members should have received it by now. Don't forget
that the July 97 conference (in Williamsport, PA)
     Art Whimbey,
     Connie Weaver,
     Rei Noguchi,
 &  Bill McCleary
as well as Martha Kolln.
>>> <[log in to unmask]> 10/16/96
04:07pm >>>
Hi Ed,
        I am wondering if there is still time to submit the
paper that  Bob Yates and I gave this July at ATEG. I
can't remember if the deadline  was Oct. 1 or Nov. 1.
        If there is yet time, do you want both a hard copy
and a disk  copy (WP 6.0)?
                Jim Kenkel
                [log in to unmask]