Chris Carman ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
> Just wanted to ask if the ability to do <!-- #exec file="" --> within
> a web site is ever going to be implemented on the OpenVMS.  We already have
> <!-- #include file="filename.ext" --> and <!-- #echo ... -->, and I'd really
> like to run random scripts within my web pages, especially "You are the nth
> person to access this site today!".  Thanks!
It would probably slow down the VAX server and some people don't like that
The IP numbers are static enough you could probably get away with putting
a web server on your machine and making your VAX page refer to it.  Just
don't leave it off for over 24 hours ;)  (or, write a little script that
if it does change, it takes the IP numbers from your current login and
updates all your pages to reflect your new IP address).
Not the perfect solution, but if you want it today :)
Micah James Cooper      If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will
[log in to unmask]     prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,' he would
                        be just the prophet for this people! Micah 2:11 (NIV)