MCIS Technical Support and Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) are
pleased to announce a fix to a problem some clients have experienced
with images intended for display on their World Wide Web (WWW) pages.
Images moved into an individual's account using File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) software in *ASCII text* mode (rather than in *binary*
mode) usually become corrupted and fail to display properly through
World Wide Web browsers.
The old version of the WWW server software running on Miami's primary
web server contained special code designed to compensate for the
particular type of corruption caused by ASCII rather than binary FTP
transfers.  However, that code caused other problems, and the author
of the web server software removed it from the latest version of the
WWW server.  Miami installed the latest version of the web server
software a few weeks ago, and as a result, these broken images which
had previously displayed, stopped displaying.
MCIS Technical Support (in the person of Kent Covert) has developed a
tool to repair these corrupted images so that they display properly as
originally intended.  The command FIXIMAGES, invoked at the $ command
prompt on MiaVX1, causes the tool to search all subdirectories within
the [.WWW] subdirectory in the individual's MiaVX1 account, for
graphics files bearing the filename suffixes of .GIF, .JPEG and .JPG.
The tool then attempts to repair the file, and saves both the repaired
and the original versions of the files.  After using FIXIMAGES, it is
recommended that the images be tested through a web browser.  If they
are repaired, the PURGE command, invoked at the $ command prompt, will
remove the earlier, corrupted version(s) of the graphics file(s).  If
they still do not display, it is recommended that the MCIS Help Desk be
contacted by electronic mail (at [log in to unmask]) or telephone (at
          Miami University
          John B Harlan
          Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
          Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) Client Services
          137 Hoyt Hall
          Oxford, Ohio 45056-1618
          (513) 529-5330 voice  (513) 529-5058 fax
          [log in to unmask]