Hi, Eric & all:
Eric wrote:
> Hello, I signed on to this group about a week ago and have not received any
> e-mail. Is this group functioning?
ATEG breaks into flurries of correspondence only sporadically,
but the exchanges are worth waiting for.
Thanks again to all who sent such thoughtful and varied responses
my request for analyses of the "to be supposed to" construction
for my grammar class.  We all found the exchange most educational!
I have been enjoying the new grammar issue of the English
Journal.  ($5 to members from NCTE.)  Fine articles by ATEG-ers
Kolln, Kirschner, Weaver, Vavra have already been mentioned on line,
I think.  Apologies if I'm missing anybody, but I left my issue at
Carolyn Kirkpatrick
York College/CUNY