> Implicit in this viewpoint (a viewpoint I embrace) is that we teach aspects of
> the structure of SAE because the students find it useful to be able to
> use SAE when it suits their purposes.  That means we're not teaching SAE
> because everyone must command the prestige dialect. And that suggests to me,
> that if a student chooses not to learn the usage details of Standard American
> English, because they don't find it useful, then that should be their choice
> too.
Sorry, but I don't see how the last statement follows.  As students,
students should learn to use Standard English.  If they wish to use
non-standard English in other domains (as athletes, friends, etc.)
that, of course, is an other matter.
All the best, Mieke
> If it is truly their choice, then we shouldn't penalize them with grades.
> However, when I see usage issues like the following, in a 3rd and final draft
> of a paper, at the end of the quarter, I am dismayed:
>     "Now, location, a very important part of fishing because where
>     you go is half the success or failed of fishing. The mountains are
>     one of the best places to go because you have different
>     locations to choose from such a lake which is use all more crowded."
> I mean like while this kid is at times wondrous in his images ("My brother
> started to get very mad his face turned bright red and is eyes dark green"),
> seems to me that he falls down on "knowing English". His trouble goes way
> beyond the Dirty Dozen of usage errors.
> I am very troubled assessing this student as passing College English, and
> indeed I did not pass him.
> But then that puts me in a position of Language cop, a position which I don't
> find a useful one to the students.
> Anyone have any ideas on the interrelation of how freeing yourself from usage
> nearsightedness and grading mix?
> thanks!
> rebecca wheeler
> dept. english
> weber state university
> ogden, utah 84408-1201