One source of the Bishop's material:  When the processing of the
Anti-Saloon League papers and publications was completed at the Ohio
Historical Society years ago, duplicate copies were disposed of in a sale.
Bishop bought the stuff.  The original papers from the microfilm edition
still exist in the Society, however.  I was priviliged to look at the
original material for my book, not the microfilm, as a special courtesy by
the Society's staff at the time.  They recognized that my project was
simply too large for me to be able to read all of the material I needed to
read on microfilm.
So the Anti-Saloon League Collection is mostly intact.  I believe, however,
that the Society disposed of state issues of the League newspaper, *The
American Issue,* offering volumes that were not Ohio volumes to
institutions in the appropriate state.  I urged them to keep the collection
intact, because a researcher could not reasonably travel state to state to
work with those materials, but because the Society's mission is Ohio
history they disposed of those materials.  Or so I was told.  However,
pamphlets and books were not disposed of unless they were duplicate copies.
 For that reason the OHS remains a wonderful place for research on the
history of temperance and prohibition.
K. Austin Kerr                   e-mail [log in to unmask]
Professor of History             office (614)292-2613
Ohio State University            department  292-2674
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA         fax    (614)292-2282