ALSB Members,
The spring newsletter is in the mail.  If you do not receive yours by
early-to-mid next week (say, Tuesday or Wed.), please let me know.
The newsletter repeats all the information needed for the Atlanta
One correction and apology is needed though: in two places in the
newsletter, I refer to the "Journal of Legal Studies Education" as
the "Journal of Legal Studies in Business."  Even two proofreadings
did not catch this error.  I am prone to always type "in business"
following "legal studies."  My apologies to Ramona Paetzold, current JLSE
editor-in-chief, and Jim Jurinski, immediate past JLSE
editor-in-chief, for these errors (and one is on the front page (ugh!) in refere
nce to
Now, here are some important deadlines to keep in mind regarding the
Atlanta meeting:
JUNE 1st
1) CALL-FOR-PAPERS/PANELS DEADLINE is June 1; this info needs to be
in Peter Shedd's hands by then; the newsletter has the form or you
may register electonically by accessing our webpage at
2) If you have a paper you wish to enter for the Holmes-Cardozo
Award, you need to get the paper itself  to Deb Ballam by June 1; details are
in the Winter and Spring newsletter (you'll also need to send in a
call-for-papers for this paper; only those papers delivered at the
conference are elegible for this award).
3) If you wish to submit a paper for the Refereed Conference
Proceedings, that paper must be mailed to Ernie King by June 1;
again, the specific details may be found in the Winter and Spring
4) If you wish to apply for CLE credit from the Annual Conference,
the form must be mailed to Ann McClure by June 1; again, the specific
details and the form itself can be found in the Winter and Spring
JUNE 15th
5) Any nomination (including self-nomination) for the 1997 JUNIOR
faculty award must be submitted to Lee Reed by June 15 (The ALSB is
awarding BOTH Senior and Junior Awards this year); details are in the
Spring newsletter only, in the mail as I write this.
JULY 1st
6) Conference early bird registration must be to Dan Herron by july
1; you may register on-line at the ASLB website or mail in the hard
copy registration form from the Winter or Spring newsletter.
7) You should have your hotel reservation at the J.W. Marriott by this
date; we cannot guarantee rooms at any time, so  MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS AS EARLY
AS YOU CAN!; Reservation information can be found in the Winter and
Spring newsletters.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me at [log in to unmask];
don't reply to this message or you'll be sending it out to all 300
Dan Herron
ASLB Executive Secretary