I have a program (CircleMUD) I decided I'd port to VMS since no one has
done it before that I know of.  (There's a Amiga and OS2 and Win95 though)
I used the command to get myself a decent amount of temporary disk space.
Now how do I automate compiling?  Typing 'cc file.c' isn't so bad, but I
really don't want to type 40 .obj files on the command line to link.
No I'm not going to run it on the VAX if you're wondering :)
%LINK-F-OPENIN, error opening ACQUIRE_DIR:[GREERGA]*.OBJ; as input
-LIB-E-NOWILD, no wildcard permitted
Evil line.  Batch file maybe?
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http://www.van.ml.org/~greerga \ is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard