Perhaps we need to advertise the existence of ATEG.  Mieke
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>The Times: Britain:
>August 13 1997
>Grammar tests too tough for teachers
>Compulsory English grammar tests for 14-year-olds have been cancelled next
>year after teachers said they did not know how to teach sentence construction.
>This summer's trial of the 50-minute exam, planned for all schools next
>year, was taken up by only a quarter of secondaries. Protests from many
>English teachers about the difficulty of teaching subordinate clauses and
>adverbial phrases has convinced the Government to excuse most schools,
>although 100 will be chosen to try out a modified paper.
>A spokeswoman for the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority said
>yesterday: "We are extending the pilot tests for another year in grammar,
>spelling and punctuation, to fine-tune them based on feedback from teachers."
>Copyright 1997 The Times Newspapers Limited.