I have been working on 19th c temperance novels for some time now, and I
can't remember having come across any analysis of how many temperance
novels were produced in various periods of American history. From what I
can gather, temperance novel production started in earnest in the
1830s-50s, fell off during the war, then reached a climax in the 70s-80s,
setting into a decline in the 90s. Of course there are problems even
deciding what qualifies as a temperance novel, so any attempt at pinning
down temperance novel production over time would be fuzzy at best, but I
wonder if it has been attempted, and I have overlooked it in my research.
I would very much appreciate any "leads" on this question, either
references to published work or dissertations, or the impressions of
others working on 19th c temperance literature.
Thanks in advance!
Elaine Frantz Parsons
Johns Hopkins University