Hello everyone!
        Here are the meeting and activity dates for ACM and AWC for the rest
of the semester!    There is a lot going on!  Details will be sent out when
dates get closer, plus you can always check-out the ACM board in Kreger.
        Enjoy and I hope to see you there!
ACM Meeting                                             Feb. 11         7:00
        *** Speaker ***
AWC Valentine's Day Sale                        Feb. 12 - 13  9:00 - 4:00
        *** Kreger ***
AWC Meeting                                             Feb. 23         5:00
        *** Uptown at Buzz ***
ACM Meeting                                             March 4        7:00
        *** Video & Election Nite ***
AWC Meeting                                             March 19      6:00
AWC Bake Sale                                          March 23 - 25
ACM Volleyball Tournament                       March 27      5:30
        *** Will the profs win again?!!?
AWC Meeting                                              March 30     4:00
        *** Speaker ***
Spring Picnic                                               April 24       5:00
        *** ACM & AWC at Peffer Park **
Snack-Paks                                                 April 26 - 29
        *** April 26 - need buyers ***
        *** April 27 & 28 - need assemblers ***
        *** April 29 - need deliverers ***
        *** Please let me know if you would be willing and able to help on
any of these
        *** days.  Your help makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!
        Snack-Paks is one of our best fund raisers.  Letters are sent to our
parents, they
        purchase a pak which is to aid us in studying for finals.  We are
responsible for
        assembly and delivery of these paks.
        AWC is the Association of Women in Computing and is not limited to
        ACM members are welcome to attend AWC meetings and activities.
        Any questions or ideas about meetings or activities, please feel
free to email me.
Have a great day!
Kimber Migut
Senior System Analysis