>>> Raul Caetano <[log in to unmask]> 02/20/98 12:48pm >>>
   The 1995 National Alcohol Survey (paper forthcoming) shows that
among men fewer Black drinkers than White and Hispanic drinkers
reporting driving a car in the past 12 months (W=98%; B=84%; H=90%).
Among women the differences are bigger.  96% of the White women
who drink drove while only 75% of Blackand Hispanic women.  Blacks
report lower rates of driving drunk enough to be in trouble if stopped by
the police than Whites and Hispanics.
   In the Monitoring the Future study, Black seniors always report lower
levels of automobile-related troubles such as tickets, DUI, etc.  That
survey also shows that a considerable lower proportion of Black seniors
than White seniors have access to cars.  Raul Caetano
At 09:04 AM 2/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 12:26:04 -0500
>From: David Courtwright <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list ATHG <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: few black DUIs -Reply
>Thinking out loud about relatively few black DUIs:
>African-Americans are now largely urbanized and most live in or near
>center cities. Because of their more central location, licensed
>African-American drivers probably make (on average) fewer trips and
>shorter trips. Fewer and shorter trips translate into less exposure to
>police speed traps, sobriety checks, etc. By both custom and necessity
>(i.e., suburban or urban fringe location), white motorists spend more
>in their cars, which means greater exposure for those who drink.
>Another hypothesis: Those African-Americans who are most heavily
>dependent on drugs and alcohol are also the poorest, and hence can't
>afford cars.
>David Courtwright
>[log in to unmask]