Dear Joe Marmo:

I'm just setting this course up and it won't be taught until September
1999.  Let's keep in touch, though.  There do not appear to be many such
courses about and it will no doubt be useful to exchange ideas on lectures
and readings.

The course I'm proposing here will cover alcohol from ancient times to the
present and deal with: production, trade, consumption; regulation;
drinking cultures; alcohol, sociability, and domination; class and alcohol;
gender and alcohol; alcohol, diet, and health; attitudes toward drink,
drunkenness and alcoholism.  In other words, a fairly comprehensive run
through the subject over the long term.

Best wishes,


Joe Marmo writes:
> Prof. Philipps,
> I may be teaching a similar course at our community college this
> winter.  I would be interested in any course info you find that could be
> of help.
> Thank You
> Joe Marmo
> Newport, Oregon

Roderick Phillips
Editor, Journal of Family History/
Professor, Department of History
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
Tel: (613) 520-2600 ext 2824; fax: (613) 520-2819
Email address: [log in to unmask]