A few years ago I taught a senior seminar on Anglo-American
temperance movements.  Otherwise the only teaching about the history
of alcohol that I have done is a class meeting on drink and
temperance (mostly pressure groups) in my Victorian England upper
divisionn course.  There is not much available in an affordable
format for use as required readings.  I understand that the new book
on the USA by Thomas Pegram will be available in paperback.  Jack
Blocker's USA survey is out of print at least in paperback, I think.
The special issues of Histoire sociale and of Contemporary Drug
Problems and the Histoire sociale-published collection of essays, The
Changing Face of Drink, are all rather specialized.  I wish that
there was a volume on drink in something like the old DC Heath
"problems" series.  Probably the editors would insist that such a
volume be confined to the USA or at maximum scope North America, so
that it could be marketed to USA survey courses.