Pam and Judy
 Could both of you supply some specific references for the research
that you cited in your postings?  Thanks.

> Pam Dykstra's message is also helpful. An entire
> curriculum can be built on speaking versus writing
> contrasts. I tend to use systemic functional description
> with an article by Chafe as background.
Which one, Judy?

> Pam, I'm curious
> to know your reference for Chafe -- was it his recent
> book, _Discourse, Consciousness & Time_ ?

And Pam, what research are you referring to here?
>Current cognitive science research proposes that phrases and
>clauses are not only the organizing principle of talking, they are
>the organizing principle of language itself. Language is processed
>(reading, listening) in phrases and clauses and produced (speaking
>and writing) in phrases and clauses.

Thanks a lot.
Mike Medley

R. Michael Medley       VPH 211                Ph: (712) 737-7047
Assistant Professor     Northwestern College
Department of English   Orange City, IA  51041