At 02:35 PM 9/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
>From Lowell Edmunds <[log in to unmask]
>>1. Does anyone know what became / will become of the library
>>in the Seagram's Museum?

If you mean the one in Waterloo, Ontario (is there another one?), from what
I understand, the distilling part ended up at the Uuniversity of Waterloo,
in Waterloo, Ontario and the Fermentation/Winemaking part is at Brock
University, in St. Catharines, Ontario.  Brock has a new Institute (few
years old, new building this year) called CCOVI--Cool Climate Oenology(?)
and Viticulture Institute, which oversees the Seagram's collection at
Brock. (

Dan Malleck

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"It is not because things are difficult that we do not try them, it is
because we do not try them that they are difficult."  --Seneca