Graduate Students of Color Association
                 Minutes from September 16, 1999

It was suggested that we have a pot luck dinner meeting once a month.

Movie Night:
Once a month on Sunday nights.  Voted to keep the movie night, but to
rotate the responsibility
of providing the movie.

Voted to co-sponsor and to support other originations events.

Will support one major event, and a night out.  Open for ideas.

Elections of Officers:
               Chair person         Michael Johnson
               Treasure             Tiffanie Anderson
               Secretary            Erin Kai Holmes
               Events Chair Person  Latasha McKenzie Mac
               Grad. School Reps    C.P. Gause, and Gloria Oliver

Brainstorming ideas:
State Rally

Glearld Yearwood Assistant Director for CPPO #9-3843
     ★    Minority Career Network
     ★    List Serve encourage all people to get connected
     ★    Distributed Job Choice 2000 magazines
     ★    Career Fair Sept. 21, 1999 Millet Hall
     ★    Tours available of the Career Center.