These data may be for a later period than is sought, but I
published annual statistics of wine consumption in gallons, 1870-1920,
derived from the STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1915 and 1922,
in my article, "Consumption and Availability of Alcoholic Beverages in the
United States, 1863-1920," CONTEMPORARY DRUG PROBLEMS 21 (Winter 1994):
631-666.  The article noted that, unlike beers and distilled liquors, wine
was untaxed by the federal government during most of this period, and so
wine consumption figures were based on estimates by government and wine
industry officials.  These figures may or may not be those upon which the
statistics in the Department of Agriculture Yearbook are based (I have not
examined that source).

Jack Blocker
History, Huron College, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6G 1H3 Canada
(519) 438-7224, ext. 249 /Fax (519) 438-3938