In continental Europe, there are good collections in multiple languages at:
    the library at ISPA, (Institut Suisse pour la prevention de l'alcoolisme et toxicomanie), lausanne
    the library of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, Lausanne
    the CAN library, Stockholm, Sweden
    there's a very good temperance library in the same building as the Nordic Alcohol and Drug Research Council in Helsinki 
    -- Robin Room

-----Original Message-----
From: Jessy Randall <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: den 20 oktober 1999 21:45
Subject: temperance in libraries

>Hello listmembers --
>I am a reference librarian at the Library Company of Philadelphia, which
>holds a nice collection of 18th and 19th century American temperance books
>and pamphlets.
>I'm hoping someone or someones can give me a quick,
>off-the-top-of-your-head list of the libraries that have substantial
>collections of temperance material. Off the top of my own head, I know
>about the Black collection at the New York Public Library. Any others?
>Thank you.
>-- Jessy Randall
>Jessy Randall
>Library Company of Philadelphia
>1314 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
>215-546-3181 [log in to unmask]