To the journalism majors and especially Linda Crider's advisees:

For those of you who do not know, I am moving to Dallas to take a job with
A.H. Belo, a media company, starting in January.

If you are one of my advisees, you will need to see Dr. William Hardesty in
the English Department office to be reassigned an adviser. You probably will
receive a letter concerning a new adviser, but I thought it would be best if
you knew as soon as possible of the change.

Since I, too, am a Miami graduate, I plan to remain on the listserv so I can
keep up with all of you. I will also continue to contribute job openings,
internships, etc. as I come across them.

I will be available by e-mail at [log in to unmask] Please feel free
to message me any time.

Good luck to everyone and have a great break,
linda crider

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