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Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:19:01 -0500
Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar <[log in to unmask]>
Craig Hancock <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (190 lines)
Herb, Karl,
   Does that take out the possibility of it being an existential clause?
(That would still give us subject/verb agreement.)  It seems to me the
primary function of the sentence is not so much to link a subject to
its complement, but to present the existence of the strip and to do so
in some detail. But that seems more from feeling than attention to
structure. Do existential clauses require a dummy subject? (It's
raining?  It's nice outside? There's a squirrel in the attic? There are
squirrels in the attic?) Is it a normal copular clause if we word it
"In the attic are squirrels" but existential with a dummy subject? >

Thanks for bringing that up, Karl.  I had decided not to go into the
> various triggers for subject-verb inversion in English, but fronting of
> a non-subject constituent typically does this and produces a Subject
> Complement + Copula (or similar verb) + Subject construction.
> Traditional and school grammars tend not to see these inversion patterns
> as a unified phenomenon, and that's one of the things that leads to
> widespread confusion over what a subject is.  Your test illustrates the
> difference nicely.
> Herb
> "Running..." is in the position normally occupied by the subject, but
> it's not the subject; it's the subject complement. We have an inverted
> sentence structure here, for the reasons Herb so cogently spelled out.
> You can easily see this by changing the number of the NP that follows
> the verb. The verb must change to maintain agreement:
>  Running from the back of his skull down to the front _are_ two strips
> of hair.
> Karl
> John E. Dews wrote:
>>    As usual, I particularly enjoy Herb's perspective here (although I
>> also appreciate the different ways in which others have approached
>> this sentence -- it reminds me that there is no single, perfect
> answer).
>>    "Running from the back of his skull down to the front is a patch of
>> white hair that opens up into his lips."
>>    If, as Herb suggests (as I understood it), the phrase in subject
>> position here is an adjectival participle, then I have another
>> question. Does this "bend" the basic tenant/tendency in English for
>> there to be a nominal in subject position? Or do we say that the
>> phrase is both adjectival and nominal in function (even though the
>> phrase doesn't seem to act/"feel" much like a noun phrase and is
>> nominal only in the sense that it is in subject position)? Have syntax
>> studies shown this to be a common pattern in English? I can't seem to
>> find a reference for participle phrases functioning nominally/in
>> subject position. Our own Martha Kolln deals with participles strictly
>> as adjectivals in her /Understanding English Grammar/.
>>   Sorry for so many questions, but I am intrigued (aren't we a
>> peculiar bunch to be intrigued by such things!). Thanks!
>>          Jed Dews
>> */"Stahlke, Herbert F.W." <[log in to unmask]>/* wrote:
>>     A fascinating sentence, both image and structure, and an
>>     interesting set of analyses. So let's try another one. It's an
>>     existential sentence in which the original verb phrase becomes a
>>     participial phrase and replaces the subject "there", with a
>>     derivation, for those of us who like derivations, something like
> this:
>>     A patch of white hair that opens up into his lips runs from the
>>     back of his skull down to the front.
>>     Since English tends! to avoid indefinites in subject position,
>>     this sentence is better expressed as the existential
>>     There is a patch of white hair that opens up into his lips,
>>     running from the back of his skull down to the front. (I put in a
>>     comma simply to avoid confusion with running lips (sink ships?).)
>>     This writer then has cleverly moved the participial phrase into
>>     subject position, maybe because some teacher once said not to
>>     start a sentence with "there is", giving us
>>     Running from the back of his skull down to the front is a patch of
>>     white hair that opens up into his lips.
>>     The reasons for considering it an existential sentence are the
>>     indefinite postposed subject and the copula, further supported by
>>     the otherwise anomalous participial phrase subject.
>>     The comma, I think, is unrelated to any of this. Rather, there is
>>     a tendency among inexperienced writers, and experienced ones as
>>     well, to insert a comma between a long subject and the verb.
>>     Herb
>>     A ! student wrote the following sentence in an essay:
>>     Running from the back of his skull down to the front, is a patch
>>     of white
>>     hair that opens up into his lips.
>>     The comma doesn't belong there, but I'm not sure why. Is the
> "Running"
>>     phrase a gerund? If so, then I understand why the comma is wrong:
> it
>>     separates the subject from the verb However, the phrase doesn't
>>     behave like
>>     a gerund. Compare:
>>     Running around the lake is a part of my daily routine. --> It is a
>>     part of
>>     my daily routine. --> A part of my daily routine is running around
> the
>>     lake.
>>     In this sentence, the "Running" phrase behaves like a true noun
>>     phrase in a
>>     linking verb sentence. My student's "Running" phrase doesn't
>>     behave like an
>>     NP. It feels participial, modifying "patch". If so, then the comma
>>     would
>>     be correct. But it's not.
>>     Any ideas out there?
>>     John
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>> *John E. Dews *
>> * /Instructor, Undergraduate Linguistics/ *
>> */ MA-TESOL/Applied Linguistics Program /*
>> */ Educator, Secondary English Language Arts /*
>> * /English Department, 208 Rowand-Johnson Hall (Office)/ *
>> * /University of Alabama/ *
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