I teach in this area, and have vocational certification at secondary and
post-secondary levels.


You do not change your standard.

In fact, my extended rule is that IF the punctuation has a period at the
bottom:  :, !, ?, or . --then it is two spaces afterwards (unless it is
followed by an end quote or it is at the end of the paragraph.)

If it has a comma at the bottom (, or ;) then it is one space afterwards.

I used to do professional, computerized phototypesetting for things such
as the Minnesota Supreme Court Journal, and other publications.

1.  If you have good software, then the software can decide when to use a
thick- or thin-space when doubling spaces between sentences.  Professional
software which can do this includes the kind of technology where the
operator can make end-of-line decisions for greater aesthetics and
2.  As I said above, you "keep the standard."
3.  In some circumstances, when you don't have professional software--for
aesthetic purposes, you may want to keep certain text together on a line,
and with normal software (such as Microsoft Word, etc., where you cannot
adjust the spacing BETWEEN LETTERS IN A WORD), then to keep text together,
on a case-by-case basis, that is when I will violate my own rule.  BUT
NEVER TEACH YOUR STUDENTS to consistently break the rule to save space in
a text (i.e. for the school's yearbook or newspaper).
4.  The double space between sentences helps your reader.  Whatever helps
your reader is a plus.  The period is a very small "speck" on a page.  It
is an excellent indicator of an auto-glottal stop.  The double space makes
this more apparent, and this is why I say it helps your reader.
5.  I have some students who come to me, and they are used to typing their
papers in a WAD of text.  White space enhances aesthetics and
readibility.  Let's not throw space away.  It serves an important
6.  Michael, you mention another reason:  Automaticity.  Those of us who
learned to type correctly have the double space automaticitized.  That is
a good thing, so leave it alone.  Have your students develop the same good

Carla Cruzan

> A colleague asked me today if we're still leaving two spaces after
> periods, b oth in running text and within MLA citations.  I seem to
> remember that word-processing has brought about a change in the rule, but
> I can't find anything in the handbooks in my office.  I myself can't stop
> myself from putting two spaces after periods, but that's no guide to the
> current rule.  Can anybody help?