April 2023


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<No subject> (1 Message)
Alum-Hoover,4-07: grebes,teal,swallows,thrashers (1 Message)
ASGC 100-year Anniversary (1 Message)
Battelle-Darby,4-09: thrashers,RustyBlackbirds (1 Message)
BB Whistling Ducks, Stilt sandpiper - SW Ohio (1 Message)
Blackhand Gorge area Sunday morning—5 warblers (1 Message)
Blackhand Gorge/Dillon WA Sunday (1 Message)
BlacklickWoods-to-PickPonds,4-01: waterfowl,sparrows (1 Message)
BlendonWoods,4-12,SharonWoods,4-13 (1 Message)
Blue-winged Warbler @ Blacklick Woods Metro Park, Reynoldsburg (1 Message)
Butler big year birding (1 Message)
Butler big year birding - five new birds (1 Message)
Butler big year birding - slow (1 Message)
Clear Creek MP, Lk Logan & Wahkeena Saturday (1 Message)
Clifton & Massie Gorges,4-29: early migrants (1 Message)
Common yellowthroat - my house - Cin. (1 Message)
Cuyahoga Valley Towpath Census (1 Message)
Denison & Land Lab Saturday morning (2 Messages)
Denison & Land Lab Wednesday morning (1 Message)
Denison Bio Reserve Thursday morning (1 Message)
Denison Bio Reserve tuesday morning (1 Message)
Denison, Blackhand Gorge, Dillon Tuesday (1 Message)
Denison: 3 Warblers! (1 Message)
Ellis and Gilmore - lakes still (1 Message)
Eurasian wigeon - Franklin - chase (1 Message)
Eurasian wigeon - success! Franklin county (1 Message)
Female Purple Finch (1 Message)
FOY Chipping Sparrows Friday 3/31 (1 Message)
FOY La Waterthrush Denison (1 Message)
FREE Zoom Warbler Warm Up (2 Messages)
Funk Bottoms on Rt 95, Wayne Co. (1 Message)
Granville Land Lab Wednesday morning (1 Message)
Henslows - Hamilton. Snowy Egrets - Ellis butler (1 Message)
Highbanks MetroPark (1 Message)
IndianLake,MyeerahPreserve,4-16: waterfowl,fewWarblers (1 Message)
Kinglets back (1 Message)
L Hope St Pk Zaleski St F-18 Warblers 4 Vireos Hawks Woodpeckers Songbirds (1 Message)
L Hope Zaleski St F-16 Warblers 2 Vireos Hawks Songbirds Woodpeckers (1 Message)
Lawrence Woods and other Hardin Co hotspots are Coming alive...sorta (1 Message)
Lost bridge - Hamilton county - flooded (1 Message)
OhioRiverValley,4-21,22,23: temperateMigrants+, warblers spotty (1 Message)
Ottawa NWR Census (1 Message)
Pick Ponds Eur Wigeon Tuesday morning—yes (1 Message)
PickPonds,4-18: EurasianWigeon,otherDucks (1 Message)
Purple Finches - Clark County (1 Message)
Shorebird hotspots in NE Ohio? (4 Messages)
Submit your Proposals to Present or Host a Field Trip at the 2023 Great Lakes Conference! (1 Message)
SW Ohio - shorebirds finally! (1 Message)
SW Ohio botany - rfi - and birding radar (1 Message)
SW Ohio musings (1 Message)
The Art Of Bird Finding (1 Message)
Vesper Sparrow - Cuyahoga Cty. (1 Message)

Subject Sorted by Subject, Most Recent First



New Thread <No subject>
Gladis Frontier
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 21:30:44 -0400
New Thread Alum-Hoover,4-07: grebes,teal,swallows,thrashers
Robert Thorn
Fri, 7 Apr 2023 21:02:25 -0400
New Thread ASGC 100-year Anniversary
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 20:21:32 -0400
New Thread Battelle-Darby,4-09: thrashers,RustyBlackbirds
Robert Thorn
Sun, 9 Apr 2023 21:21:53 -0400
New Thread BB Whistling Ducks, Stilt sandpiper - SW Ohio
Sandra Keller
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 19:40:00 -0400
New Thread Blackhand Gorge area Sunday morning—5 warblers
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 14:40:52 -0400
New Thread Blackhand Gorge/Dillon WA Sunday
Sun, 9 Apr 2023 13:43:55 -0400
New Thread BlacklickWoods-to-PickPonds,4-01: waterfowl,sparrows
Robert Thorn
Sat, 1 Apr 2023 14:38:01 -0400
New Thread BlendonWoods,4-12,SharonWoods,4-13
Robert Thorn
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 20:00:30 -0400
New Thread Blue-winged Warbler @ Blacklick Woods Metro Park, Reynoldsburg
Mike Mcclintock
Mon, 17 Apr 2023 14:54:37 -0400
New Thread Butler big year birding
Sandra Keller
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 19:26:46 -0400
New Thread Butler big year birding - five new birds
Sandra Keller
Mon, 3 Apr 2023 19:37:03 -0400
New Thread Butler big year birding - slow
Sandra Keller
Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:04:55 -0400
New Thread Clear Creek MP, Lk Logan & Wahkeena Saturday
Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:33:40 -0400
New Thread Clifton & Massie Gorges,4-29: early migrants
Robert Thorn
Sat, 29 Apr 2023 20:55:35 -0400
New Thread Common yellowthroat - my house - Cin.
Sandra Keller
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:08:46 -0400
New Thread Cuyahoga Valley Towpath Census
Douglas Vogus
Mon, 3 Apr 2023 06:10:06 -0400
New Thread Denison & Land Lab Saturday morning
Sat, 15 Apr 2023 11:12:49 -0400
Sat, 29 Apr 2023 11:17:50 -0400
New Thread Denison & Land Lab Wednesday morning
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 22:08:36 -0400
New Thread Denison Bio Reserve Thursday morning
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:25:19 -0400
New Thread Denison Bio Reserve tuesday morning
Peggy Wang
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 18:17:04 +0000
New Thread Denison, Blackhand Gorge, Dillon Tuesday
Tue, 4 Apr 2023 17:11:49 -0400
New Thread Denison: 3 Warblers!
Peggy Wang
Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:53:47 +0000
New Thread Ellis and Gilmore - lakes still
Sandra Keller
Fri, 7 Apr 2023 16:33:05 -0400
New Thread Eurasian wigeon - Franklin - chase
Sandra Keller
Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:51:05 -0400
New Thread Eurasian wigeon - success! Franklin county
Sandra Keller
Mon, 17 Apr 2023 15:16:52 -0400
New Thread Female Purple Finch
Jill Medley
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:54:45 -0400
New Thread FOY Chipping Sparrows Friday 3/31
Sat, 1 Apr 2023 08:46:43 -0400
New Thread FOY La Waterthrush Denison
Sat, 1 Apr 2023 10:35:04 -0400
New Thread FREE Zoom Warbler Warm Up
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 11:14:10 -0400
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 16:20:59 -0400
New Thread Funk Bottoms on Rt 95, Wayne Co.
Randy Rowe
Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:30:43 -0400
New Thread Granville Land Lab Wednesday morning
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 15:46:25 -0400
New Thread Henslows - Hamilton. Snowy Egrets - Ellis butler
Sandra Keller
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 18:25:09 -0400
New Thread Highbanks MetroPark
Sun, 9 Apr 2023 13:47:27 -0400
New Thread IndianLake,MyeerahPreserve,4-16: waterfowl,fewWarblers
Robert Thorn
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 19:26:18 -0400
New Thread Kinglets back
Sandra Keller
Sat, 1 Apr 2023 19:37:37 -0400
New Thread L Hope St Pk Zaleski St F-18 Warblers 4 Vireos Hawks Woodpeckers Songbirds
Bruce Simpson
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 08:27:27 -0400
New Thread L Hope Zaleski St F-16 Warblers 2 Vireos Hawks Songbirds Woodpeckers
Bruce Simpson
Sat, 22 Apr 2023 07:46:03 -0400
New Thread Lawrence Woods and other Hardin Co hotspots are Coming alive...sorta
Steve Jones
Sat, 29 Apr 2023 19:13:07 -0400
New Thread Lost bridge - Hamilton county - flooded
Sandra Keller
Wed, 5 Apr 2023 19:20:15 -0400
New Thread OhioRiverValley,4-21,22,23: temperateMigrants+, warblers spotty
Robert Thorn
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 18:05:45 -0400
New Thread Ottawa NWR Census
Douglas Vogus
Mon, 3 Apr 2023 07:41:39 -0400
New Thread Pick Ponds Eur Wigeon Tuesday morning—yes
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 11:48:56 -0400
New Thread PickPonds,4-18: EurasianWigeon,otherDucks
Robert Thorn
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:52:33 -0400
New Thread Purple Finches - Clark County
Doug Overacker
Fri, 28 Apr 2023 21:17:58 -0400
New Thread Shorebird hotspots in NE Ohio?
James Brown
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:14:57 -0400
Al Cadesky
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:55:24 -0400
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 10:49:49 -0400
Sandra Keller
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 12:34:14 -0400
New Thread Submit your Proposals to Present or Host a Field Trip at the 2023 Great Lakes Conference!
Ted Auch
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 14:52:41 -0400
New Thread SW Ohio - shorebirds finally!
Sandra Keller
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 17:10:35 -0400
New Thread SW Ohio botany - rfi - and birding radar
Sandra Keller
Sun, 9 Apr 2023 08:24:26 -0400
New Thread SW Ohio musings
Sandra Keller
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:30:52 -0400
New Thread The Art Of Bird Finding
robert lane
Mon, 3 Apr 2023 16:55:44 +0300
New Thread Vesper Sparrow - Cuyahoga Cty.
Jim Heflich
Thu, 6 Apr 2023 08:33:26 -0400