October 2006


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 20 Oct 2006 14:12:47 -0400388_us-ascii Hi All,

We've now got a more detailed list of presentations, and their
descriptions, up on our web-site. The presentations described on that
list are just a sample of some of the topics that will be covered during
the Audubon Assembly on November 10th & 11th. You can download a pdf
copy of the list at: http://www.audubonohio.org/news/stateassembly.html [...]41_20Oct200614:12:[log in to unmask]
Sat, 14 Oct 2006 21:09:31 -0400
text/plain (122 lines)
  I had the pleasure of joining up w/ Rob Thorn, and a group from 
Columbus Audubon  as we went a birding. We actually started out at Alum 
Creek Res. but it was pretty windy and We saw similar land 
bird/passerines there that we saw over at Hoover, the only exception 
being a Sharp-shinned Hawk a couple of us saw fly over.
     Anywho, we had forgotten today was clean up day at Hoover, but 
thanks to everyone who did join in on that, whenever I'm out there as 
Charlie said, I see tons of trash and I try and pick up what I can 
(sloppy fishermen and boaters). So we hit Oxbow first;
Birds seen from Oxbow "island"

Yellow Rumped Warblers - seen all over
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Good job Rob, hearing before seeing 
and then we all got good looks
White-throated Sparrows - good numbers
Flickers, Northern - 3
Downy Woodpeckers
Ruby-crowned Kinglets
D.C. Cormorants
Woodducks - 6 equal parts male to female with one male that looked 
un-molted  a juvenlie?
House finch
E. Phoebe
Am Robin
Cedar Waxwing - a large flock
Bald Eagle - we saw two accross the water from us on the opposite bank
Tree Swallows - lots out on the water
Kingfisher,belted - 2

Boardwalk = wasn't as windy as last night thank goodness, allowed good 
views of the shorebirds (I didn't count very well tho, conservative 
estimates follow)

Dunlin - 8+
Long-billed Dowitcher - 4+
Stilt Sandpiper - 6
Greater Yellowlegs - several
Lesser Yellowlegs - 10+
Semipalm. Sandpiper - 2+
Least Sandpiper - 2 maybe more
Pectoral Sandpipers - 8+
Semipalmated PLOVers - 3 or so
Killdeer - 10 or so
GBH - plenty to go around
Bonaparte's Gull - 2
Ringbilled Gulls
N. Shoveler - 4 or so
Muscovy duck - 1 odd duck

THE HOOVER MEADOWS - We got there and as soon as I pulled in I heard 
the jays raising a ruckus, apparently mobbing someting in the pines, So 
I dashed out in pursuit, I found where they had a dense pine fall 
surrounded and then I saw a large-ish owl fly up from the trees and 
accross the road, unfortunately all I could tell was that it was an 
Owl, my impression was Barred Owl but am unsure. We searched the trees 
but couldn't find any owls, and again I searced at the end. There was 
plenty of sparrows to be seen here, but alas, I searched and called in 
vain for any ammodramus rarities, still a decent sparrow list;

Golden-crowned Kinglet - lots
Ruby-crowned King - less but still plenty
Am Goldfinches
Eastern Bluebirds - saw about 6 or more foraging for berries and such
N. Cardinals
C. Chickadees
Tufted Titmice
House Wren - also saw one over at Oxbow
Carolina Wren - 3
Winter Wren - 1 really close up veiw of the cute little dude in the 
Red-bellied Woodpecker
N. Flicker
E. Towhee - a nice male and a glimpse of a female
Junco - 1 juvenile
White - crowned sparrow - most haning out by the feeders in the 
backyard near the entrance
White-throated Sparrow - all over
Song Sparrow - good numbers 10+
Swamp Sparrow - saw quite a few, at least 10+
Lincoln's Sparrow - 5 or so, very pretty
Field Sparrow - plenty of these around as well 10+
Chipping Sparrow - a good sized flock, plus several loaners
(and house sparrows)
INDIGO BUNTING - a surprise find at the end (p.s. it wasn't very blue 
;-) )
Grey Catbird - 1
N. Mockingbird - 1 or maybe two
Mallard - 1
GBH - a couple
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Cooper's Hawk - 1
Turkey Vulture - several

     Well I'm probably leaving some stuff out but oh well. I wore my 
MIAMI REDHAWKS (what is a redhawk ;-) ? )  t- shirt in solidarity or 
whatever w/ our new list sponsor (of course no one really knew since I 
was layered over it so heavy) but I knew. haha. This is not a test, 
this is for real tho'.
    Bird on,
Ben Warner

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