October 2006


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2006 16:40:35 -0400245_us-ascii To Whom It May Concern,

I would appreciate it if you would let me know how to get off your email for
the time being. I am doing a lot of traveling and need to be taken off at
this time.

Thank you,

Miriam Smith46_17Oct200616:40:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Sun, 22 Oct 2006 19:35:01 -0400
text/plain (90 lines)
  With Duck hunting season in full swing again this weekend, I wanted to
see some ducks myself. So I Went out birding today, and the biggest
news is that the Lazy White Pelican is still at Killdeer Plains W.A.
off of ch.-68 in pond 27 eastern half, where its been for the past
month or more. First time I saw him he'd been there a few weeks already
I think, and that was by September 1. He was hunkered down and sleeping
in the cold windy weather today. K.PWA list:
 Am White Pelican - 1
Am Widgeon - 40+
Woodduck - 10
Mallard - 10+
Gadwall - 10+
Lesser Scaup - 1 in abouve ground Resevoir
Ruddy Duck - 2 same as above local
Am Coot - 50+
Pied-billed Grebe - 10+
Can. Goose - 20
Trump. Swans - 2 of the introduced
GBH - 3
Bald Eagle - 3
Red-tail hawk - 2
N. Harrier - 1
Bonaparte's Gull - 10 in resevoir
Ringbilled Gull - 2 same as above
White-crowned Sparrows - 10+

    Next I hit Hardin Co./ Longbrake's wetlands to see what I could see,
the wind made it really difficult to flush many sparrows and I guess
the other herons and bitterns were laying low because of it too- I
didn't see them. Did see lots of ducks, it does one's heart good to see
so many ducks. list of estimates (def. underestemated, some are actual
counts (the smaler#s):

N. Pintail - 20
Am Widgeon - 40
Gadwall - 15
BW Teal - 100+
GW teal - some mixed in, but not many
N. Shoveler - 30+
Am. Black Duck - 2
Mallard - 100+
Ruddy Ducks - 19
Ring-necked Duck - 4
Pied-billed Grebe - 5
Am Coot - 200
Can. Goose - 4
N. Harrier - 5
T.V. - 4
Horned Lark - 3
Am. Pippit - 4
Savannah Sparrow - 20ish
Vesper Sparrow - 1 definate and another possible but didn't get
good'nuf look
Swamp Sparrow - 40+
Song Sparrow - 40+
White-crowned Sparrow - 20
Meadowlark - 2

   I am forgetting some things, oh well, too lazy to get up and find my
field list. That cold and wind takes it out of you, good thing I
dressed warmly and wore my rain coat. Yesterday I explored the property
of the Brown Family Envioro Center at Kenyon College. They have some
great sparrow habitat and a great grassy perched wetland on Wolf Run
that looks really promising, but it yielded no rarities, only about a
bazillion Swamp Sparrows, I'd never seen so many before way up in the
hundreds, every bird I looked at there was a Swamp Sparrow it seemed,
and they were spread out into the other fields as well, not just the
swampy area. There were also many Field Sparrows, White-crowns,
Junco's, E. Towhees, White-throated, 1 lincoln's, Song - lots,
Chipping, and the other neat birds that hang out around there like a
Phoebe, Pileated Woodpecker,Red-bellied, Downies, and N. Flickers, both
Kinglets, and ton's of Bluebirds. Check it out if you've never been
there, sometime.
          Good birding
 Ben Warner

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