October 2006


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 16 Oct 2006 15:27:14 EDT629_US-ASCII Today I followed-up with the trash clean-up project from Saturday at Hoover
Reservoir. I went back into Areas M & N which weren't covered Saturday. I got
to combine birding with the clean-up. Shorebirds were somewhat slow this
afternoon. On the mudflats and sand spits between Area N and the boardwalk at
Area M there were 9 Greater Yellowlegs, 10 Dunlin, 3 Semipalmated Plovers and
many Killdeer but nothing else. There were several Common Terns skirting about,
23 Great Blue Herons clustered about, Double-crested Cormorants on a far
sand spit and an adult Bald Eagle perched off Wiese Road. [...]42_16Oct200615:27:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2006 16:40:35 -0400245_us-ascii To Whom It May Concern,

I would appreciate it if you would let me know how to get off your email for
the time being. I am doing a lot of traveling and need to be taken off at
this time.

Thank you,

Miriam Smith46_17Oct200616:40:[log in to unmask]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 17:14:20 EDT
text/plain (94 lines)
Today I checked out the Old Sunbury Road and Hoover Meadows sections of the  
Hoover Nature Preserve. Linda and I began with Old Sunbury Road where we were  
greeted by Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Both were present in  
impressive numbers all along the old road. We also located Brown Creepers, many  
Yellow-rumped Warblers, 3 Palm Warblers and several Winter Wrens. We checked 
out  the pine grove and located 2 Barred Owls and more kinglets. Further along 
near  Pelican Island there was still some mudflat exposed and we found 2 
Long-billed  Dowitchers, the only shorebirds for the day. In the cove near Pelican 
Island  there were many Horned Grebes and a few Pied-billed Grebes, 2 Lesser 
Scaup, 2  Ring-necked Ducks, 6 Red-breasted Mergansers and 9 Wood Ducks.
Hoover Meadows proved to be the place for sparrows as we located 7  different 
species. We also found a large group of Dark-eyed Juncos, a sign the  season 
is changing. In the brushy edge areas we located more Winter Wrens, an  
Eastern Towhee and a late migrating Wilson’s Warbler.
Our list for these two areas included:
Pied-billed  Grebe    (7)
Horned  Grebe    (17)
Double-crested  Cormorant    (32)
Great Blue  Heron    (9)
Turkey  Vulture    (11)
Canada  Goose    (200+)
Wood  Duck    (9)
American Black  Duck    (6)
Mallard    (23)
Green-winged  Tea    (5)l
Ring-necked  Duck    (2)
Lesser  Scaup    (2)
Red-breasted  Merganser    (8)
Bald  Eagle    (1)
American  Coot    (39)
Long-billed  Dowitcher    (2)
Bonaparte’s  Gull    (25)
Ring-billed  Gull    (100+)
Mourning  Dove    (13)
Barred  Owl    (2)
Belted  Kingfisher    (1)
Red-headed  Woodpecker    (1)
Red-bellied  Woodpecker    (6)
Downy  Woodpecker    (9)
Hairy  Woodpecker    (1)
Northern  Flicker    (7)
Blue  Jay    (27)
American  Crow    (45)
Tree  Swallow    (5)
Carolina  Chickadee    (11)
Tufted  Titmouse    (9)
White-breasted  Nuthatch    (4)
Brown  Creeper    (3)
Carolina  Wren    (8)
Winter  Wren    (3)
Golden-crowned  Kinglet    (19)
Ruby-crowned  Kinglet    (16)
Eastern  Bluebird    (8)
American  Robin    (30+)
Gray  Catbird    (1)
Northern  Mockingbird    (1)
European  Starling    (200+)
Cedar  waxwing    (13)
Yellow-rumped  Warbler    (28)
Palm  Warbler    (3)
Wilson’s  Warbler    (1)
Eastern  Towhee    (1)
Field  Sparrow    (12)
Savannah  Sparrow    (8)
Song  Sparrow    (10)
Lincoln’s  Sparrow    (3)
Swamp  Sparrow    (14)
White-throated  Sparrow    (27)
White-crowned  Sparrow    (4)
Dark-eyed  Junco    (11)
Northern  cardinal    (24)
Red-winged  Blackbird    (2)
Common  Grackle    (5)
House  Finch    (4)
American  Goldfinch    (12)
House  Sparrow    (8)
Charlie Bombaci
Hoover Nature Preserve
Delorme 58 C (2) &  (3)


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