May 2010


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 30 Apr 2010 21:03:17 -0700635_iso-8859-1 Emil Bacik and I spent early morning - 1 AM at Conneaut's Malek Park.  We were joined by Levi Yoder and a host of Amish birders throughout most of the morning.  The non-raptor highlight was a passing UPLAND SANDPIPER which made several circles over the cornfield to the north of the pask, before heading east.  Passerine highlights included Green Heron (2), Red-headed Woodpecker, Eastern Kingbird (2), Blue-winged and Pine (2) Warblers, Bobolink (10), and a stream of Blue Jays, which continued throughout the day, conservatively estimated
Reply To:
Sat, 1 May 2010 13:28:00 -0400
text/plain (28 lines)
I went to the Chuckery area of Summit Metroparks this morning hoping to
finally see some warblers... not so much... a few Nashvilles, a couple of
common yellowthroats and a ton of yellows, that was about it. Where are
they?  Also saw a number of Baltimore orioles, rb grosbeaks, a scarlet
tanager, warbling, blue-headed and white-eyed vireo, possible red eyed
vireo, several singing wood thrushes, catbirds in good numbers, a few rc
kinglets, one bg gnatcatcher, towhees visible and calling everywhere, a red
shouldered hawk, several n. flickers, and all the more common stuff. It was
a beautiful morning, despite the shortage of warblers.

I have a white crowned sparrow under the feeder today.

Please post your Summit & Medina County sightings, particularly warblers!  I
need a fix!

Karen Gray
Copley Twp/Summit Co.


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