July 2010


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Paul Graham <[log in to unmask]>
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ohio birds [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Andy Sewell
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:02 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [Ohio-birds] More osprey nests, purple martins

It's highly unlikely that the 1831 sighting was of European Starlings,
as they were not successful introduced to North America until 1890.
Perhaps it was not the physical appearance of the birds that so offended
the author of the 1831 letter, but [...]40_7Jul201017:55:[log in to unmask]
Sun, 11 Jul 2010 08:29:11 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
Saw something interesting Saturday afternoon:   I heard a bunch  of Blue
Jays raising a ruckus -- I figured it was a cat that's been hanging  out so I
went out back to scare it off.  Pretty soon I saw a small group of  jays
(maybe 5) chasing a Cooper's Hawk across my yard into the neighbor's  yard.   I
stayed out there because the ruckus wasn't quieting any; it  was actually
getting louder and wilder -- so I waited to see what was going  on.  After a
couple minutes the Cooper's came rocketing out of  the trees about 15 feet
off the ground with the jays in pursuit but quickly  being left behind. It
was all pretty close to me and it didn't  look like the hawk was carrying
anything.  Then I noticed that right  on the Cooper's flank -- literally -- was
a hummingbird.  The scene, though  happening fast, was very clear.  It
looked like a little fighter plane  right on the tail of a bomber!     Thought
this list would  get a kick out that visual.  I don't expect I'll ever get to
see something  like that again.

Paul Graham
Franklin Co.


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