>From: "Barbara Bell, H-Scholar" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: H-Net Network for Independent Scholars and Scholarship
>   <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: H-Scholar--New Journal:_Inquiry_
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 17:00:23 EST
>Sender:       H-Net Network for Independent Scholars and Scholarship
>       <[log in to unmask]>
>[submitted by Arun Kumar Tripathi
>[log in to unmask]]
>Dear H-scholar list members,
>Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines is published by the
>Institute for Critical Thinking at Montclair State University as a forum
>for the discussion of issues related to critical thinking across the
>disciplines, with an emphasis on the theory and practice of critical
>thinking in post-secondary educational contexts. Inquiry seeks to engage
>its readers in reflection about educational practices and to make
>available to them educational vehicles potentially useful in providing
>support for students' efforts to think critically.
>Inquiry began publication in 1988 with a generous Challenge Grant from the
>State of New Jersey. Now in its eighth year, Inquiry has evolved from an
>eight-page monthly newsletter serving the campus community into a juried
>100-page quarterly journal reaching an international readership.
>Inquiry invites the submission of articles, responses, notices, letters
>and reviews for consideration for publication. In light of our
>multi-disciplinary orientation, we seek to include a balance of articles
>that reflect both disciplinary and interdisciplinary concerns. Articles on
>Critical Thinking and Educational Reform, CT in the Disciplines, CT and
>Social Issues, Perspectives in Multiculturalism and Postmodernism, and CT
>and Writing are particulary welcome. We also seek theoretical papers on
>critical thinking from the perspectives of such fields as Psychology,
>Philosophy and Communications from which relevant educational practices
>can be derived. Papers that address critical issues in contemporary
>education and the wider cultural horizon are also welcome.
>Given the diverse nature of both the field and our readership, we ask that
>authors present early in their manuscripts the manner in which 'critical
>thinking' is to be understood. Three copies of manuscripts should be
>submitted with the author's name appearing only on a cover sheet. This
>should be accompanied by computer diskette with two files of the paper,
>one formatted and one text only. Macintosh, Microsoft Word (5.1) is
>preferred, but other popular word processing applications are acceptable,
>as are PC disks. Submissions should be sent to:
>Institute for Critical Thinking
>Montclair State University
>Upper Montclair NJ, 07043.
>Inquiry is published with the cooperation of the Philosophy Documentation
>Center. All correspondence regarding subscriptions, renewals, back issues,
>sample copies and related matters regarding the journal's distribution
>should be addressed to:
>Philosophy Documentation Center
>Bowling Green State University
>Bowling Green Ohio, 43403
>telephone (800) 444-2419 (US and Canda) or (419) 372-2419
>fax: (419) 372-6987
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Complete details about Inquiry can be found at:
><http://www.shss.montclair.edu/inquiry/backpage.html> and
>Thank you!
>Sincerely yours
>Arun Kumar Tripathi

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